Mporoume: the organization that fights food waste in our country completes 10 years of life

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

In 2011 a group of people had a crazy idea: to reduce food waste in Greece and to do something good for fellow human beings and the environment.

In 2012 it became an act. Mporoume completes 10 years of life this year. Thanks to the hundreds of donors, volunteers and friends of the organization, more than 58 million portions of food have been saved and offered to our fellow human beings who experience food insecurity while contributing so that 85.26 million kilos of CO2 eq are not released into the atmosphere.

Read more here: News (

Mporoume suggests some simple steps each of us can take to reduce food waste:

  1. Shop "smart"– Plan your meals. Use shopping lists and avoid impulse buying. Usually, the extra food bought ends up in the garbage.
  2. Choose “strange” fruits and vegetables – Choose fruit and vegetables that may not have the "right" size, color or shape, otherwise they often end up in the garbage. They are just as tasty and healthy as those which look “perfect”.
  3. Find out when food truly spoils – If stored properly foodstuffs can be safe even a few days after the proposed date of their consumption.
  4. Organize your fridge – Stock foodstuffs correctly in your refrigerator and eat the ones that deteriorate first. Place the products in the right shelves-cases.
  5. Use your freezer – We can preserve food in the freezer and, in this way, keep it safer for longer.
  6. Ask for smaller food portions – When at a restaurant/tavern, ask if they can serve a smaller portion than usual. Whenever you serve yourself, take smaller portions of food and top up if desired.
  7. Take home any leftover food – Don’t forget to ask the restaurant/tavern to put your leftovers in a package, to eat later or to preserve in the refrigerator/freezer.
  8. Make fertilizer for your plants – Use the leftovers to make compost.
  9. Spread the message about ’smart’ food consumption - Spread the message “Every meal matters” to friends and relatives and inspire behavioral change.
  10. Donate any leftover food- Food that is in excellent condition and has not been served, can be donated to charities, soup kitchens and social services in our area, after consulting the map of We can also communicate with Mporoume at 210 3237805 or in [email protected] if we need help to make our food donation.
